Friday, July 1, 2011

Running with the Devil

Las Vegas is no ordinary city. Given the fact that the inhabitants of an area define the culture of that area, it’s safe to say that Las Vegas residents are extraordinary as well. In fact, some residents of Las Vegas are so extraordinary that they willingly accept Calico Racing’s ( annual challenge to participate in the Run with the Devil; an event viewed as “crazy” by the typical person’s standards. As many athletes move their training programs indoors or to pre-dawn times during summer months, the Run with the Devil embraces the heat and sun and hosts the event at Lake Mead Recreational Area. Distances vary from a 5K fun run to a 50-mile ultramarathon. Start times stagger from 6:00 AM until 6:50 AM, depending on the distance you chose to challenge. And then, there’s the heat! This year’s event saw a low of 80 degrees and a high of 102 degrees. Can you imagine completing a race in this weather?!

Since safety is paramount to the race director, marathon and ultramarathon runners are required to weigh-in prior to the start and at various points throughout the race. Hydration plans must also be developed and approved by the race staff. Medical personnel are readily available to assist competitors and every aid station is equipped with ice buckets and beverages to ensure runners remain hydrated.

Having completed the Running with the Devil half-marathon distance two years ago, I knew the challenge was great, and honestly, I wasn’t up for that sort of pain again! So, a friend of mine (Ryan), and I decided to try the 10K. Our start time was 6:50 AM. The initial quarter-mile or so was a fairly steep climb. Once again, I underestimated the grade and began struggling almost immediately. From this point to the turnaround point (3.1 miles in), I picked up the pace in an effort to complete the distance in less than 50 minutes. At the 3-mile mark, the combination of heat and hills led me to start walking! Like many people, once I start walking, I find it difficult to start running again. At the turnaround, I saw many people pass me. Ryan then flew by me!

The next 3 miles was a combination of walking and jogging. The sun and heat was beating down pretty ferociously on all of the runners. But, we kept moving. After an hour (exactly one hour!), I crossed the finish line and eventually learned that I placed 49th of 139 participants. Ryan, however, completed the course in 57:14 placing 35th overall. And the winner, a gentleman from Henderson, finished in an astounding 40:41!

The course was tough, but the challenge was amazing. After the race, the promotion offered snacks and drinks in the picnic area and runners talked about the course, as well as their next challenges. So, if the challenge is presented again, I think I will partake in one of Las Vegas’ most extraordinary events and Run with the Devil once more. No sweat. Literally… it evaporates almost immediately!

~ Jason

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